
to the Website prototype

As a streaming platform for old classics in film history, Filmtraumtunnel provides feature movies from 1895 to the 21st century. The platform’s program changes every month and thus offers a diverse selection over time. An opening event to promote the streaming platform is in the works for the coming Film festival in Berlin. Logo design, the development of a brand identity with their own slogan as well as web design and web development were required for the project. Additionally, an animated poster for the opening event in Berlin was requested.





The warm colour scheme symbolizes the iconic colours we identify as retro. The shade of black and brown represents celluloid stripes, mandatory for capturing the movies.

screenshot of desktop and mobile webdesign for Filmtraumtunnel
// Webdesign for FilmTraumTunnel
FilmTraumTunnel logo

The logo represents a simplified film screen. The round shape of the “curtains” suggests a tunnel. The celluloid strip beneath the logo emphasizes that it is a film platform for older movies.  (FilmTraumTunnel is German meaning: film - dream - tunnel)

Festivallogo for Filmtraumtunnel

The festival logo entails the original logo from FilmTraumTunnel, but also the typical symbol of the city of Berlin, which is the bear (Berliner Bär). The celluloid stripes beneath are replaced by the name of the festival to give further explanation to the event. 

Primary font for Filmtraumtunnel
// primary font for FilmTraumTunnel
Secondary font for Filmtraumtunnel
// secondary font for FilmTraumTunnel
// Animated advertisment for the filmfestival

My Projects

Here are some of my other projects I did in the past.

Images showcasing the Kneshecken Project

Grillrestaurant Kneshecke

Infused with sizzling passion, this transformative project harmonized modern design and cherished traditions. It encompassed web design, logos, packaging, and captivating visuals, capturing the essence of a beloved grill restaurant.

To the project
Images showcasing the Filmtraumtunnel Project


Immerse yourself in the enchantment of vintage cinema through a captivating web experience. From web design to animated posters, this project merges classic movie allure with a modern online aesthetic.

To the project
Images showcasing the Finow Project


Experience the harmony of aquaponics at a sustainable farm. A captivating web design showcases their innovative system, complemented by an interactive vector graphic illustrating the symbiotic relationship between fish farming and greenhouse cultivation.

To the project


My socials

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